Short Poems

Passive Aggressive Behavior in Relationships

Passive Aggressive Behavior in Relationships

Embark in a journey in  the poem “The Fury and My Accent”, which explores passive aggressive behavior in relationships. It captures the raw, unrestrained nature of fury, contrasted with the gentle, calming power of a smile.


The Fury and My Accent

The fury and my accent,
Roaring on weakened bent,
Hide the reason real,
Racing behind a fragile seal.

Around each turn, I reach,
Rage embracing the deepest breach.
The burning fury within my soul,
Like embers smoldering in a coal-filled bowl.

But a smile, cool as water’s touch,
Calms my mind, a gentle clutch.
I realize how mad we all are
In the raging storm, near and far.

We burst upon tiny bees,
Innocent but bowed by ease.
Yet the smallest smile of a loving one
Can tame the fury, like the morning sun.

So I hold the fire within my chest,
Let calm and peace do the rest.
For storms will pass, as moments do,
Leaving space for light anew.

Passive Aggressive Behavior in Relationships


Understanding Passive Aggressive Behavior in Relationships Through Poetry

This poem is developing understanding about aggressive behavior in relationships as well as it explores the intense and often hidden nature of anger, or “fury,” that resides within us, especially in relationships. It uses vivid imagery to depict how these feelings can rise to the surface, often misdirected at those who are undeserving or “innocent but weak.” However, the poem also reveals the trans formative power of kindness and love, symbolized by a simple smile. This small gesture acts as a calming force, capable of soothing even the strongest emotions. In the end, the poem suggests that while anger is a common human experience, it can be softened and even dissolved by patience, compassion, and the warmth of loved ones. Enjoy more poems like  Poetry for Mental Health Awareness. 

And another poem about Embracing The Fire of Change. 

#PassiveAggressionInLove #RelationshipsAndEmotions #HealingThroughPoetry #InnerFuryToCalm #UnderstandingAnger #LoveAndRestraint

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