Short Poems

America’s Wildfire Tragedy

America’s Wildfire Tragedy

Nature never remains the same. America’s wildfire tragedy is written in a very sad mood read and feel for the people of Los Angeles, California and Washington.


Who Thought Like This

A flame of fire, that dances in furnace bright,
Once a symbol of warmth, a comforting sight,
Just for trends, it bows in harness,
It gives the hope when shines with shyness,
It will shake hands with inferno’s force,
It will blow the anger into a new course,
Who thought like this?

Across the west, its devastating reign,
Its sight will become, so dangerous giant.
Los Angeles will become the victim of its rage,
California, and Washington too be on the page,
How the sky of united states will grow dry,
A screaming storm will be a mournful sigh.

Who thought like this?

The winds howl loud, like debating again,
Flames contest the speeding train,
A mournful echo, across the land and sky,
All media decor them with news fly.
But with disaster, will pass time tis,
Nobody thought nature like this.

Who thought like this?


America's Wildfire Tragedy

This poem reflects on the devastating impact of wildfires in America. Nature is a powerful force. Somewhere it brings happiness and somewhere it becomes the reason of devastation. Nature never remains same. This time will also pass and again happiness will reign over  here. Read my more poems on nature, like this Still There.

One Another Poem  Climate Change poem.

#CaliforniaWildfires #WashingtonWildfires #WestCoastFires #USWildfires #PoetryForChange #WildfirePoetry


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