Heart Touching Poetry


Thou Art Fair.



O my love, thou art fair,
In beauty’s realm,a peerless flare,
No measure finds thy grace so rare,
In every glance, thy splendor’s glare,
Thou art fair, beyond compare.



In every canvas, and every beating heart,
With thee, we find the essence of our art,
With you, I find myself in a beauty mart,
This is my love’s purest truth I share,
Thou art fair, beyond compare.



In realm of beauty,You reign supreme,
A sight so rare, like a radiant dream,
In stormy night,Your glance is a gleam,
In your bright light everything is clear,
Thou art fair beyon compare.



Thy smile like a beacon of joy,
In thy presence, all woes employ,
Thy love for me, like a baby for toy,
My heart sings and sways with dare,
Thou art fair, beyond compare.



O my love, you are fair and true,
In thy love, my world is a new,
Forever, I will remain with you,
You may think it oath or swear,
Thou art fair, beyond compare.



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