Heart Touching Poetry


The Lion Overrules


In the thicker forest,
The lion reigns best.
It’s majesty commands,
rule from east to west,
Where wilderness rules,
The lion overrules,
the general fools.


Above the plains,
Where lion reigns,
He hold his sway there
And no need to feigns,
Where the nature rules,
The lion overrules,
the general fools.


Wearing a crown of might,
Shows a breathtaking sight,
When he roams the land,
Fear prevails left to right.
Where the fear rules,
The lion overrules,
the general fools.


Through its regal stride,
And his status dignified,
The wind blows and echoes,
When it roars with pride,
Where the sound rules,
The lion overrules,
the general fools.


Yet fools dare defy,
On king They question why,
At the end, they learn,
The lion rules, eternal guy,
Where the eternity  rules,
The lion overrules,
the general fools.


By. R. Naheed


This poem is a master piece which is  composed during election days. I arranged my ideas about social circumstances where many parties have come into existence, people has been divided into groups. Everyone is trying to succeed his party. Everyone is thinking about his advantages. No one is thinking about his country and about the future of his generation. These groupings are the apple of discards, therefore many disputes take place. People of same society, it would not be wrong to say that they are from same home and they are quarreling for the success and interest of non relative. I was worried what would be the future of my country.

Here the lion  symbolizes power, authority and strength that is provided by the masses.  After the empowerment, the masses has to face.


“The Lion Overrules” under specific headings:

The Lion’s Dominance in the Forest

  • Setting: The thick forest represents the wild, untamed part of nature.
  • Authority: The lion is the supreme ruler, with its power extending from one end of the forest to the other.
  • Superiority: In the wilderness, the lion’s dominance is absolute, making those who underestimate it appear foolish.

The Lion’s Control Over the Plains

  • Expansion of Rule: The lion’s authority is not limited to the forest; it extends to the open plains.
  • Genuine Power: The lion’s dominance is real and unquestionable, needing no pretense.
  • Natural Order: In all natural settings, the lion’s supremacy is evident, and those who fail to recognize it are considered fools.

The Lion’s Majesty and Fear

  • Symbol of Strength: The lion’s strength and kingly status are symbolized by its “crown of might.”
  • Awe-Inspiring Presence: The lion’s presence instills fear across its territory.
  • Power of Fear: The lion’s dominance is reinforced by the fear it commands, highlighting the foolishness of challengers.

The Lion’s Regal Dignity

  • Graceful Authority: The lion moves with grace and dignity, underscoring its status.
  • Powerful Roar: The lion’s roar is a symbol of its commanding presence.
  • Sound of Authority: The roar reinforces the lion’s dominance, making any defiance seem foolish.

The Infallibility of the Lion’s Rule

  • Challenging the King: Some may attempt to defy the lion’s authority.
  • Ultimate Realization: These challengers ultimately learn that the lion’s rule is unending and absolute.
  • Eternal Supremacy: The lion’s dominance is everlasting, and questioning it is foolish.

Overall Theme

  • Natural Hierarchy: The poem illustrates the lion’s supreme power within the natural order.
  • Foolish Defiance: Those who question or underestimate the lion’s authority are deemed foolish.
  • Inherent Authority: The recurring idea of the lion “overruling the general fools” emphasizes its natural and unquestionable dominance.

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