Famous Poet

Mental Health Awareness Through poetry

Mental Health Awareness Through Poetry: Expressing Emotions And Hope


Key points

  • Introduction.
  • The power of poetry in mental health.
  • Expressing emotions thorough poetry.
  • Finding hope through poetry.
  • Conclusion.



Mental health awareness has become a serious issue in today’s world. Being living in this modern age, we have to tackle with various social crises while during tackling issues sometime we fall into depression which is very uncomfortable situation. To deal with this discomfort, poetry is an excellent source. For years, poetry has been used to express feelings and emotions and inspire hope. For its unique ability to capture the essence of our inner worlds, it has been a powerful companion through out the journey of mental health awareness. In this article, we will explore the role of poetic words in the mental health awareness, the wings of poetry that bring us towards healing, its power of inspiring hope, its way of releasing tension and expressing emotions.

The Power Of Poetry In Mental Health

Poetry is a powerful source to provide comfort and piece  to a stressful mind.  Through an amazing combination of poetic words, imagery, metaphor, simile and symbols, it brings out our minds from the trauma and grief.  Different studies show that poetry is therapeutic for both readers and writers. By giving a meaningful voice to his silent struggle of mind, a writer releases his tension. Through the poetry, poet also creates a sense of community and realizes the reader that he is not alone in that situation. Through the poetic words, imagery and rhythms, poet can convey complex emotions and he is succeeded in conveying  the pure message.

The Therapeutic Power of Poetry

Poetry is unique for it therapeutic power. Sylvia Path wrote poetry exercising its therapeutic power.

For Example: “Tulips” By  Sylvia Path

This poem throws the light on its therapeutic power. This poem successfully comfort the mind by the imagery of tulips. The poet was in the hospital surrounded by tension, depression and isolation. While writing poet was disconnected from the world outside and surrounding of tulips  became the symbol of disconnection and isolation.

“Dream Deferred” written by Langston Hughes

In this poem, Langston Hughes express the frustration and anger by using the metaphor, imagery and repetition. It explores the themes relevant to mental health like as hopelessness and despair, anxiety and frustration, identity and purpose, etc.  You can further read my poem I’m still being ignored. This poem is also decreasing the anxiety of being ignored.

Poetry as a Tool for Mental Health: Expressing Emotions and Hope

Poetry is powerful tool to express complex emotions and expressions. Poetry enables the speaker to speak clearly about his isolation and loneliness. He coveys his pure feelings. In poetry, the cognitive behavioral techniques are used to identify the emotions and thoughts. Use of poetic techniques including imagery, metaphor and meters facilitate personal growth and self-awareness.

Mental Healing

An association with the name of “National Association of Poetry Therapy” is organized, which paid heed to the poetry for its healing power.  Writing as well as reading poetry both are very important for healing. There is an Example of a poem ” One Art” written by Elizabeth Bishop. In this poem, She is overcoming the grief of losing things. Everyone has to face loss. Some have to lose dear ones and some have to lose things. These losses destroy the mental health. So poetry is considered a tool which can be used for mental healing.

Hamilton used Poetry as Catharsis

Hamilton points out the importance of poetry as a tool for mental healing. Hamilton argues that writing poetry can be a therapeutic process to release emotions related to traumatic experiences. Hamilton used poetry in private practice and in therapy sessions also.  Hamilton prescribes that read poetry aloud to reduce stress, anxiety and depression because vocalizing emotions make them manageable, and a source of connection with others. According to him poetry can facilitate personal growth and self-awareness. He focuses on recalling memories that soothes the mind. In his poem, he practices this point, for example,

” Warm sand beneath my feet

Seagulls crying overhead

Salt water scent and taste

Cool breeze on my skin

Peaceful moments with loved ones

Laughter and warmth remain.”

Moreover, the act of creating poetry is a source of acknowledging the pain and struggle to overcome the mental condition. With the company of poetry, man is able to cover the mental health journey. Through its ability to capture nuances of human experiences, it is offering a safe space for expression, connection and growth.

Finding Hope Through poetry

Poetry is a tool to express emotions and inspire hope. Hamilton also focuses poetry to describe emotions through poetry because it allows describer to confront and understand his feelings.  Validation of emotions make readers feel less alone. In this way, readers re-frame their challenges and find new ways. Many poets tell the stories of their survival which become the source of inspirations and hope. Poetry can also inspire personal growth and                 self-reflection by helping readers find hope in their own potential.

In the conclusion, Poetry has powerful effects on mental health and it is a great source to express emotions. It inspires hope through validation. Through its ability to capture the complexities of human experiences it has become a platform, where the reader and writer both get relief and calm. Poetry provides a rich and technical language to express emotions and feelings. Through poetry, poets can less the grief of loosing which becomes the  reason of anxiety. Scott Hamilton emphasizes its therapeutic aspect for mental healing. According to reading poetry aloud is a good practice to soothe the mind in traumatic situation. His another technique is recalling the memories for mental health.  In short, there is a strong intervention of poetry in mental health awareness and it is a powerful tool for the expression of emotions and inspiration of hope.

Read further my poem, I’m not lazy, I’m on silent mode.


Mental health and emotions





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