Heart Touching Poetry

Dive Into The Wissy Thought

Dive Into The Wissy Thought



Once I dived into the sea of thought,
By chance, I took with me the wisdom chart.



Occasionally, I found it at the time best,
Otherwise, I always found it on the rest.



I sailed through waves of confusion and doubt,
With my trusted chart, I navigated without rout.



But, often I got lost in the depths of my mind,
And the chart just floated away, leaving me blind.



I searched for answers, but they were hard to find,
The chart kept pointing to the snack shelf in my mind.



I followed its lead, and oh, what a delight!
I discovered the wisdom of chocolate and night.



Now, when I dive into the sea of thought,
I pack bundle of snacks and chocolate a lot.



For in the depths of my mind, I know what to find,
A treasure trove of irony, and a pinch of humor to unwind.


By. R. Naheed.

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