Short Poems

Blooming joy: A poem


 Spring symbolizes the arrival of happiness and blooming joys. Spring is welcomed by everyone. When spring arrives, life is filled in everything. Birds are fresh and sing their songs. Their songs refresh our minds. Let me explain the discovery of joy in spring season through a poem. Let’s see the blooming joy.


          The spring

As spring arrives on winter’s chill,

Everything awakens with new thrill.

Sprinkles bloom smiling on face,

Fragrance unfolds, a perfume race.

Breeze dances to give warmth to all,

It seems new life is taking birth  after fall.

Sprinkles blooms with a lovely smile,

Each branch is decorated, meanwhile.

Then cuckoo starts singing cooo, coo,

It  looks in love saying, you, youooo.

When cuckoo’s singing starts everywhere,

Air blows playing symphony, flute and guitar clear.

A celebration starts to welcome the spring,

 With devotion, everything is contributing.

Being a father’s fairy, I feel myself a spring,

 When in father’s house, I’m stepping.

A beauty reigns in my family everywhere,

  Every thing is dancing, when I’m there.

 Sprinkles bloom on my mother’s face,

  Affection  of my father unfolds, a perfume   race.

Everything seems in thrill to welcome my arrival,  in my family,

When my son hug their grand parents, a universe plays in harmony.

Spring’s celebrations starts when it falls,

 My Parties starts, when news of my arrival  reaches to all.

By:  R. Naheed

Blooming joy with the presence of daughter

Blooming Joy

As spring comes and we discover blooming joy and everyone is in thrill and color. Like summer when a daughter enters, a home shines with colors bright. Eyes of parents filled with shining love give warm welcome. Surrounding contributes and celebrations start. This point comes to life of a daughter after marriage. There is not enough difference between the arrival of daughter and the arrival of spring. Spring is welcoming on its arrival but the warm welcome starts on the news of the daughter’s arrival.


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And Coffee kicks.


#spring  #joy  #life  #colors  #daughter

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