Life’s journey: love, unity, and enduring the cycles of joy and sorrow
In the journey of life, no one is alone,
Hand in hand, each moment spins us strong,
The beauty of love lies in joining,
As happiness and sorrows travel along,
In the green valley, where flowers dance,
Their glow enhance with each glance,
This miracle comes in life with a relationship long,
Rain falls on them, Storm wind along.
The king, who through out rules the land,
He is not created of ruling sand,
For some limited time, he enjoys royal throne,
As the richness came, poverty along.
Is the autumn’s reign, forever same?
Is Spring’s arrival a fake fame?
Poor trees take back green leaves with cuckoo song,
Always good days travel bad days along.
Our relationship is based on law of nature,
It has to prosper in spite of every fracture,
Leave to argue about true and false, right and wrong,
Through life’s joys and sorrows, we move along.
By : R. Naheed
A very beautiful poem that deals with the relationship, life’s journey, love, unity, joy and sorrows, it explains the relationship of day and night, happiness and sorrows, spring and autumn, good days and bad days and rain and strong winds. By explaining these relationships, I explain beautifully the relationship of two LOVERS. I want to convey through this poem that love has to face many challenges if there is bad days, there would be good days also. In love, both have to face but remain connected as day is connected with night, as rain is connected with storm, as spring is connected with autumn, when autumn goes, with its departure spring has to come.